Special Benefits
Questions about tsn, life, or anything else you would like Neo to answer. He's got the answers, but not necessarily the *right* one.

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Agent Smith
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Special Benefits

by Agent Smith » 20 Jun 2004, 20:40

Good evening again, Mr. Anderson.

Just a question...

I was curious as to any special... privileges that could be... acquired by someone such as myself in the... position that I happen to be... born in. Does Agent Smith have uniqueness as the brother of yourself, Mr. Anderson?

It's just a question... but it was inevitable.
I'd stab a fo' for less!

All spelling errors are done for a reason. Unless they make me look stupid. Then the board gremlins did it.

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by Neo » 20 Jun 2004, 23:20

No. You're nobody special.

:razz: No, there are no special benefits for being family. The promotions and such are based on the agreed recognition of the abilities of candidates presented by the High Council to myself, and voted upon.
"Because I choose to."

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