Where do you think you'll be in 10 years?
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Where do you think you'll be in 10 years?

by Neo » 20 Apr 2015, 22:06

Seeing as how this is a 10-year lookback on the previous generation of tsn, the question should be asked...

Where do you think you'll be in 10 years?
What will you be doing, what will you be like, and where do you think you'll live?
Give anything else you want your future self to look back on to see if you got it right.
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Re: Where do you think you'll be in 10 years?

by Neo » 26 Apr 2015, 21:36

Ten years...2025.

For starters, I'll be 42. Ugh. This already sucks.

I'll have a minimum of 1 nine-year-old...maybe 2. We're hoping for a girl, but we have name for a boy just in case.

I have no idea what I'll be doing for work, since I tend to only keep a job at the same company for 3 years max, according to my track-record, which has mostly been out of my control.

I will probably be rebooting this site once more - it'll probably just be "tsn 25th anniversary" or something. I haven't been very consistent with numbers :roll: I skipped tsnIV, tsnX was the 6th design iteration and supposed to be the last, then tsn.7 came - now tsn8. Eventually I'll drop the numbers and go to code versions.

I should still be married - that's the plan at least. And I'll probably be living in the house I'm about to buy.
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Re: Where do you think you'll be in 10 years?

by GlennCoco » 26 Apr 2015, 22:31

I'll be there with Neo. I hope we'll have 1 or 2. I hope they do well in school. That's about 3rd-4th grade --a crucial time where kids decide if they like school or not, and an important year for their reading skills. I hope they'll be nice to other children, respectful to adults, and clever! If they're anything like Neo, they may be a little mischievous.

I hope we'll garden outside and cook the food we grow. I hope we'll go to the park together as a family to play or have picnics. I hope we'll do lots of crafts and play board games together on the weekends. I also hope my kids might be into anime and maybe cosplay with mom. Mostly, I hope everyone is happy, healthy, and doing something good in the world.

More than likely, I will be still at Starbucks, maybe running one of my own. I really don't care, so long as I can do all those things I mentioned.
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Re: Where do you think you'll be in 10 years?

by DMoney » 15 May 2015, 11:21

Neo wrote:For starters, I'll be 42. Ugh. This already sucks.
You're 32?!?! So old!! Haha, j/k.

In 10 years:

I will be 38 (that doesn't sound too bad).

I will hopefully be in a different house from the one we just bought. This is just temporarily for 5-10 years.

I will have 2 or 3 kids, the oldest being almost 10.

As far as employment goes I will hopefully be working in the Network Systems field, making enough income that my wife can be a stay at home mom (don't call me sexist, it's also what she wants).

Aside from that, I don't really have any other goals. All of the above would make me a happy man. :)

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Re: Where do you think you'll be in 10 years?

by Neo » 16 May 2015, 09:12

GlennCoco is also planning to be a stay at home mom, at least during the kids formative years. She wants to have a career but also wants to have a family, and the balance is difficult when some of the family ideals require a full-time mom.
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