What are you ready for the world to just be done with?
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What are you ready for the world to just be done with?

by Neo » 20 Apr 2015, 22:04

I think I'm about ready for the world to be done with borders and racial divides. I'm certain this is the Star Trek fan in me talking, but I'm not sure how we ever expect to make it into the future and encounter other species out in space if we can't get over the pettiness shown in one of the original episodes where one race was black on the left, white on the right....the other was white on the left, black on the right.
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Re: What are you ready for the world to just be done with?

by Vanyl » 21 Apr 2015, 07:48

Racial and other divides is a big one. I'm tired of how divisive racial and gender issues are for people and especially on the political level. I'm adding the divide of women's issues, specifically, as well as gay rights issues. All of the big ones that just go no where and show how much we can really hate people we've never met as a society. I am done with all of that.

Oh and abuse/violence. Totally done with hearing about someone hurting someone else for no reason. This includes child abuse, spousal abuse, elder abuse, etc. I'm just tired of seeing "person A shot/stabbed/murdered/etc person B over <anything other than self defense>."
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Re: What are you ready for the world to just be done with?

by MightySushi » 10 Jun 2015, 11:35

I am done with others posting fake and fib filled "news" stories on facebook and then turning around and blaming "the media" for lying and pushing a government agenda. What most people don't realize is that "the media" is a very broad term and shouldn't be thrown around lightly. Also most people who hate "the media" tend to only gather information from one source, which is usually wrong, or at least biased. Just like when fighting with a friend, you have to get both sides to see the truth. It really grinds my gears, as a member of the media, to be blamed for other people's ignorance. "The media" is merely the middle man. Yes, some agencies put spins on stories, no, I am not saying that is right or ethical. But if you just sit and watch Fox news all day, you're going to only get conservative views, and vice versa with CNN. Honestly, BBC is the best at not being biased with American news. Anyways, point is, I am done with people not educating them selves and being close minded to opinions other than their own, then posting crap all over social media. Which...is media...
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Re: What are you ready for the world to just be done with?

by Neo » 10 Jun 2015, 21:43

I just watched Bill Maher's June 5th episode of Real Time, and his final New Rule for that show spoke exactly to your point of blaming the "media" - though his spin on it was related to "Christianity" being under attack.

It never occurred to me when hearing the Right side complaining about the hypothetical "liberal media" (which is apparently anyone that is not the person complaining), that I couldn't actually think of an example to support their complaints. I just assumed they were right in their complaints because it sounded like something I would have agreed with had the "liberal media" made such an accusation.

It's all just pandering - any accusation or outrageous/incredulous claim, without a source, is just pandering to the audience for clicks, shares, and gossip. I don't even watch the news. In fact there are actually no daily-aired shows that I watch on a day-to-day basis about current events. Even my technology podcasts are weekly, since I'm so far behind on them I can't keep up with the daily ones before they're refreshed off my feed.
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Re: What are you ready for the world to just be done with?

by MightySushi » 11 Jun 2015, 01:04

Exactly! The other thing is though, there is more media out there than just TV. Newspapers, monthly magazines, online news, books, newspapers, radio programs, and even music are forms of media. All have there benefits and downfalls, but simply paying attention to one medium of the media, And even further only listening to one side of the story from that one medium, just brews ignorance. As an editor at a newspaper, it drives me so mad that I have taken to deleting people on Facebook and other social sites that can't seem to check the sources and make sure what they are sharing is factual and not just some biased smurf-poo.
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Re: What are you ready for the world to just be done with?

by DMoney » 15 Jun 2015, 15:57

Vanyl wrote:Racial and other divides is a big one.
I don't disagree with this. I'm ready for racism to end, but at the same time, I'm even more ready for people thinking that everyone else is racist to end. Not sure that sentence made sense. I am tired of people calling others racist just because they don't agree with them. Or when they do something wrong, and you try to do something about it, suddenly you're a racist just because you're not going to let them get away with it. It's frickin' ridiculous and I am so ready for that to end. And all of what I said is just the smaller part of that whole situation, obviously there's a lot more that has been happening because of this problem. I just won't get into all of that for now.

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