by MightySushi »
10 Jun 2015, 11:35
I am done with others posting fake and fib filled "news" stories on facebook and then turning around and blaming "the media" for lying and pushing a government agenda. What most people don't realize is that "the media" is a very broad term and shouldn't be thrown around lightly. Also most people who hate "the media" tend to only gather information from one source, which is usually wrong, or at least biased. Just like when fighting with a friend, you have to get both sides to see the truth. It really grinds my gears, as a member of the media, to be blamed for other people's ignorance. "The media" is merely the middle man. Yes, some agencies put spins on stories, no, I am not saying that is right or ethical. But if you just sit and watch Fox news all day, you're going to only get conservative views, and vice versa with CNN. Honestly, BBC is the best at not being biased with American news. Anyways, point is, I am done with people not educating them selves and being close minded to opinions other than their own, then posting crap all over social media. media...
"smurf the world, I am a panda"