You're probably wondering what's up...
...with all the Looking Glass, Alice in Wonderland stuff.
Well, let me tell you a short story...
Back in December of 2014, Neo went on a job interview and was posed the question "What has been your greatest challenge?" After some thought, his response described the creation of this site and its continued operation throughout his adult life. It wasn't a challenge because it was a difficult task - it was a challenge because it caused him to see the world from many different perspectives - whether he agreed with them or not - and whether he wanted to or not - and from all directions at the same time. That evening, he was prompted to take a cursory glance through the old forums...
While looking through some of the old threads, conversations, journals, and just the echos of thoughts translated to words and carved into binary digits for the world to see, a different perspective hit him. It was the perspective of a person 10 years younger than he was today. Before him were the ideas, beliefs, and points of view from an arrogant, depressed, lost, butthole who found himself responsible for ensuring 269 people & a handful of moderators, each with different points of view, could safely express their opinions on the internet, and have fun doing it.
It was that trip back through the "looking glass" of time that inspired the idea for a reboot of the site. A chance to give everyone some perspective of how far they've come - not only in their life, but in their growth as a person. To see where they were, and where they are now - and if they've learned anything along the way.
And so, after talking with several founders...
...and several people who had never heard of the site at all, the idea was favored unanimously, with everyone either chomping at the bit to see it (the founders) or wishing they had that opportunity (the non-members). The result of it is what you have before you today as
With one exception...the new members.
Neo wrote:If you've haven't been there before, you can never go back again.
tsn8 has its own Lewis Carol-style quote to describe the limits put in place.
Well, with a decade's worth of conversations, points of view, memories, and expressions all archived in the forums, there are bound to be a few that either bring up painful memories, announce points of view that are no longer valid, or just make people look plain stupid.
Since the goal is to bring new people and old members alike back to the site and foster discussion, it's probably best that any new members/friends don't gain access to what the younger versions of the pre-existing members were like.
And for the old members...
We know you may find some parts of the old content to be difficult to look at, particularly for those who carried out public relationships with other members of the site, or for those who just said some stuff you'd rather forget and start fresh. We have you covered.
Here's how you remove your access...
- In your User Control Panel, there is a "Usergroups" tab.
- On there, you'll find all the groups you're a member of.
- Simply mark the "Citizens of Wonderland" group.
- Then select "Resign Selected" from the dropdown and click "Submit".
This will remove
you from accessing any of the Looking Glass forums.
It will not change the fact that the content is still there for other Citizens of Wonderland.
And it will not change your ability to view the "Ancient Lore - Journals" forum. (That is covered in the next post, and is handled the same way.)
There's one thing to note for the existing members...
Everything that is through the Looking Glass must stay on that side of the Looking Glass, with the exception of content solely related to yourself.
This is for the protection of everyone.
Anyone who brings content related to anyone other than themselves to the other side of the Looking Glass will get warned, and then have their access revoked on a second occurrance.
It's just something we have to enforce, since not everyone wants their past brought back to the present.
But we're all adults now, so we don't anticipate this being an issue.
"You already made the choice; now you have to understand it. No one can see beyond the choices they don't understand." - Oracle