The Pub
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Erotic Vanilla
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The Pub

by Erotic Vanilla » 29 Mar 2015, 17:22

*walks into the bar*

holy smurf-poo, I wonder if I am supposed to even be here. everything has changed. it's like walking into Kevin Flynn's TRON: Legacy house, all white and smooth and updated.
hopefully it's ok to start this thread again. i found it in the Attic forum.

*walks up to the counter*
i'll take a whiskey sour...

oh, i'm the only one here. i guess i'll just goof off until the bartender shows up.

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Re: The Pub

by Vanyl » 14 Apr 2015, 12:22

*sits at the bar*
Is there even a bartender hired yet? Neo needs to get on that. You can't attract clientele without sufficient staffing.

*walks behind the bar and grabs the Crème de Cacao and Frangelico*
Fine, guess I'll make my own drinks.

*leaves a few Whiskey Sours for Erotic Vanilla*
Stock up now, it might be a long wait.
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Re: The Pub

by Neo » 14 Apr 2015, 13:43

*walks out from the back room*

What's all this commotion here? And who let Erotic Vanilla in before it opened?

You're right, Vanyl, we do need a bartender. I can mix a couple drinks - I've got my handy 101 Drink Recipes booklet.

*pours a shot of Salted Caramel Whiskey*

There's one favorite. :D
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Re: The Pub

by Vanyl » 14 Apr 2015, 13:51

I'd offer but I pour heavy so you'd be out of booze in no time... that and well I don't mop so someone would have to clean up after everyone else.

Clearly, we must get you onto Cripsy Crunch shots. :D
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Re: The Pub

by Neo » 14 Apr 2015, 14:01

Oh, do tell...Crispy Crunch?

*touches the side of his head*

"OK Glass, Google, Crispy Crunch..."

...this doesn't look like alcohol.
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Re: The Pub

by Vanyl » 14 Apr 2015, 14:05

LOL no silly, the shot not the chocolate bar (I hate chocolate).

There's a few variants but the easiest is 50/50 Frangelico and Crème de Cacao. Scale to the size of shot you're making.
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Re: The Pub

by Neo » 14 Apr 2015, 14:23

OH I found it...
Crispy Crunch drink wrote:1 oz Kahlua® coffee liqueur
1 oz Metaxa Brandy
1 oz creme de cacao
1 oz Frangelico® hazelnut liqueur
Well, scale it to a 12 oz glass. I don't actually take shots, I drink a glass of it.

I've come a long way from Arbor Mist. Now it's 80proof+ or nothing...and preferably flavored Moonshine or Vodka.

...I know I put some Cheese Sticks around here somewhere....
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Re: The Pub

by Vanyl » 14 Apr 2015, 22:23

I'm pretty sure those will be stale now.

I like making the less ingredient version. Easier on the wallet. So I take it body shots are a no-no then?
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Re: The Pub

by DMoney » 14 Apr 2015, 22:29

*sneaks in*

This place is still here??? Someone get me a g33k b33r!!

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Re: The Pub

by Neo » 14 Apr 2015, 22:34

*becomes the embodiment of disappointment at the cheese sticks*

Body shots are required. We don't have any glasses.

*whips around to hear a familiar voice*

Who's that? Divine David? You're "DMoney19" now? You should probably reintroduce yourself and explain this craziness
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Re: The Pub

by Vanyl » 14 Apr 2015, 22:41

I volunteer as tribute... I meant body glasses.... or whatever. Never was one to pass up fun drinking times!

Welcome to the party, DD! I'd get you a g33k b33r but I'm not sure I've heard of it. Have a Jagerbomb instead

*slides a Jagerbomb to DD*

How did I do that without glasses?
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Re: The Pub

by Neo » 14 Apr 2015, 23:01

g33k b33r is actually a BAWLS Root Beer. They come in their own glasses - but that doesn't stop anyone from pouring it all over themselves.
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Re: The Pub

by Vanyl » 14 Apr 2015, 23:31

Wow, I remember y'all talking about those waaaaaaay back in the day. I'll hold off on pouring that on myself for now. It sounds sticky. Speaking of...

*snaps her fingers to materialize a cotton candy machine*
If I'm going to get sticky, it better be tasty. Anyone want one?
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Re: The Pub

by DMoney » 15 Apr 2015, 00:03

Bawls is still the best energy drink hands down, but yes it probably would be a little sticky if poured on you. :lol:

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Re: The Pub

by Vanyl » 15 Apr 2015, 07:48

I have no problem being sticky, I just don't like caffeine drinks. The smell of them makes me ill so I'd rather be sticky from something I'll at least eat. :D

*continues to nibble her cotton candy while pouring another crispy crunch shot*

Neo, where did you put the radio? I want to dance but I can't find anything in this clutter!
The deeper darker me ever grows,
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