Hey guys! Guess what?!?! The site is lacking intelligent and interesting conversations. We spot members need to do something about that now don't we? Uh huh...we do.
Since this is a site designed for college aged people, lets recruit some new members, preferably college students. Don't pick just anybody because it's hard to find someone who will actually join and really become a member. I've invited about 4 ppl who haven't stayed.
So choose some ppl...tell them about the site and how much fun it is. Sell it!!
Also, I've noticed that there haven't been many people on lately. That's ok...cuz i'm sure everyone is busy with school, jobs, etc...but lets try to make some good posts and topics. Lets also try to visit more often. Cuz me and Neo are getting pretty bored!!!
So...let's tell people about the-spot and let's start trying to post some good stuff!!