Here's one for Neo
Questions about tsn, life, or anything else you would like Neo to answer. He's got the answers, but not necessarily the *right* one.

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by Punix-GT » 13 Jun 2005, 23:42

Once I reread this thread, I almost forgot. How does the miracle whip make the clouds that surround our cobwebs that are in the corner of every atom that sucks into the A/C vents of the BBQ pits? I need my sense of reminiscents to collect my bi-quarterly tax from NASA and the AARP. Help?
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by Neo » 13 Jun 2005, 23:56

First of all, you're not old enough to be in you can let that one go.

Miracle whip is the source of all miracles, including the ones that make clouds...aahhhh, you know what...just call your mother. She'll know what to do.
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by Neo » 14 Jun 2005, 11:00

Strange how you brought this back after 53,000 other posts have been created on the site (and some were deleted).
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by Punix-GT » 31 Oct 2006, 02:19

yeah, I'm crazy like that. See, she didn't have the answer, because the straight of Gibraltar needed the bending theory of paradox and fungus.

Although, I thought about granulated petunias and mixing them with a steel-toed mushroom growing at the end of your china dishes, and there is no flexiglass...why?
¤uraniumpoppyseed imploded¤
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by Neo » 31 Oct 2006, 21:11

Why what? Why is there no flexiglass? Because it hasn't been invented won't be invented until 2053, in Pennsylvania, on accident by 3M. They will be working on a new synthetic material for car windshields, but end up with something that allows for the flexibility of plastic, the clearness of glass, and the strength of plexi glass.
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by Punix-GT » 03 Nov 2006, 04:01

....Oh....that makes sense... :indifferent: about that...

one last thing before I find my doppleganger....

How do cows manifest rocket launchers without the smell of pink?
¤uraniumpoppyseed imploded¤
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by Bcjammer » 03 Nov 2006, 21:05

it's quit is only in the absence of the whiteboards...those get nailed to coffee mugs with pictures of the flying numbus (from dragon ballz) any way those are then in turn opened but because Idaho lost power last winter, it's still raining.

SOW what?
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by Neo » 04 Nov 2006, 09:36


So when you find your doppleganger, please tell the nuns to stop the cabbage and to do their best to prevent long-ranged lattes.
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