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The Power

Posted: 03 Feb 2004, 05:36
by Punix-GT
This is just to let y'all know type thread.

Neo is the creator of this site, and as of lately, he'll still be a poster, but also be working on coding on this site more frequently.

UraniumPoppySeed (me!) is the head of the moderators. I'll be taking care of stuff that involves the site including mess-ups, clean-ups, imploding-ups (lol, sorry), rearranging, renaming, editting, moderating, and pretty much most everything. I'm the guy that if you have problem, give me a holler, and if I don't know the answer, then I'll holler at Neo. Oh yes, and I can take care of the guest posts.

KD is one of the Moderators here. Be kind! She has more power than everyone here other than Neo and I! She'll be taking care of the moderating, moving, editting, and such when I'm not around. She is limited as to what she can do compared to us Admin, but she still can do a lot.

Lady Love will be in charge of the WZUP Radio where she'll be taking care of the radio stations. Anything that involves the Radio Station, contact her.

If anyone has a question in regards to this, please post here.

Posted: 03 Feb 2004, 12:06
by Pam
hehe...thanks for letting me know that I'm in charge of the WZUP radio..that's the first I ever heard of

by the way...does that mean that I'm not a moderator anymore??? :cry:

Posted: 03 Feb 2004, 12:37
by Punix-GT
You're still a moderator. You can still do all that nifty moderating stuff. But you'll also be taking care of the Radio ^___^

That's all ^_^

Posted: 03 Feb 2004, 12:38
by Pam
YAY!!! :D heheh..sweet....I've still got power!! w00t!! ^__^ 8)

Posted: 03 Feb 2004, 12:40
by Neo
Yes, you're still a moderator until The radio station gets underway. By that time we should be able to replace you with another person.

A change in the moderator rules, until we gain a larger active fanbase (approx 50 people) we will be choosing the moderators. Once that fanbase is reached, the voting shall commense.

Posted: 03 Feb 2004, 12:46
by Pam
another question about the moderator come everyone's names except for Neo and UPS show up in the Moderator colors?? It's not supposed to be that it??? I see Neo and UPS in one color..and everything else in the moderator color.

Posted: 03 Feb 2004, 13:00
by Neo
It has to do with the link color...when I change the Moderator color from Green to Blue, I didn't realize that it was the same color as the regular links. So now I have to change it to light blue or dark blue...depending on what looks best on the front page and on the forum index.

Re: The Power

Posted: 03 Feb 2004, 23:09
by KD
UraniumPoppySeed wrote:
KD is one of the Moderators here. Be kind! She has more power than everyone here other than Neo and I! She'll be taking care of the moderating, moving, editting, and such when I'm not around. She is limited as to what she can do compared to us Admin, but she still can do a lot.
It's a shame that Neo doesn't have the power to bring back deleted posts! :sweat:

Posted: 04 Feb 2004, 12:27
by john
yes, that would be REAL power.

Posted: 04 Feb 2004, 12:32
by Neo
Actually I have the first 500 posts on the site sitting on my computer, but I can't implement them back into the forums because there is a flaw in the backup file...but I do have them, and can read them.