Page 1 of 2 Photo Album

Posted: 09 Apr 2004, 02:42
by Punix-GT
Yes, you heard right, we finally have a photo album. Its still under construction but do take a look at it ^__^

Some things to know about:

1.) You can currently view the photo album at until it'll finally be added into the rest of the link bar.

2.) Do read the FAQ, and don't ask us questions, because we don't know either...unless there is a flaw in the coding. We're new at this aspect so you'll have to bear with us ^_^;;;

3.) PLEASE NOTE: post one picture of yourself in the Members Photos, and the rest in the "My Gallery" place, and any artwork, or if you happen to have any comics that you've made, please place them in the appropriate section ^__^ You can put random photos in the artwork section

Those are the three main things you need to be aware of in regards to the photo gallery. I hope you will enjoy them ^___^

Posted: 09 Apr 2004, 11:24
by frostbitemartini
I really don't know how to post my own pictures, I would like to know....that would save room on urs too. So, I need to be taught lol...Im so slow !!! :D

I dont know enough about URLs and stuff so yea either u or KD or my uncle or someone can help me!! :)

Posted: 09 Apr 2004, 16:33
by = SIR JAD =
you have to register I guess.. that is what I am doing right now...

Posted: 10 Apr 2004, 00:40
by Neo
Yes, you do need to's run from a different database, and I didn't write the code, so I don't know how to link them to your original names. But since it is like this, it will also allow for people that don't want to register for the forums to just register for the photo album. If the album become excessively popular, additional members will have to pay to use it, or I will just limit the use - remember I have a fixed amount of space to use for the site...and it's all free to the public at the moment. But it does cost money.

Anyway, FBM, you need to read the's designed to answer all your common questions and help get you through the upload and navigation process of the album.

Posted: 12 Apr 2004, 00:35
by = SIR JAD =
still havn't figured out how to post pics in the member area... UPS and I couldn't figure it out... everytime I uploaded pics they went to the Random files section.... ohh well.... EVERYONE CHECK OUT ALL OF THE PICS THERE AND POST SOME OF YOUR OWN WHILE YOU ARE AT IT

Posted: 12 Apr 2004, 09:25
by darkpaladine6
Well, registered and havent been able to load a pic up for some reason, says I have no available albums or something. Looked through FAQ didnt see anything relevant.

Posted: 12 Apr 2004, 11:56
by Neo
Ok...I THINK I can help wth this...we only say don't ask because this is a new feature for us we're not entirely sure how it all works...but we're (or I'm) getting there (don't know about UPS's progress <_< ) upload a file to the Members Area:
- sign in
- Click on [url=]Member Photos[/url]
- Click on [url=]Upload File[/url]
- Go through the Upload Process, Naming the File, Adding Descriptions, etc.

Posted: 12 Apr 2004, 12:15
by Vanyl
Okie! People with questions on how to set this up:

- Register
- There is a link up top says either "User Mode" or "Admin Mode". If it says User mode right now, leave it (that means you're in admin mode). You need to be in Admin Mode to modify or upload or anything else.
- Now you will see a three links on the left hand side of your screen, just a tad lower than the links about album lists and top views, etc.... The three are called: "Create/order albums" "Modify my albums" "Modify my profile"

To Create an album:
-click the "create/order albums" button.
-before trying to enter a name for your album, click 'new'
a 'New Album' name will appear in both the box above and highlighted in the lower box. You can change the name of your album there to what everyou want (most likely your user name).
-click apply modifications

To upload pics:
-click upload file
-you will be able to upload 5 pics at a time and three links. (This doesn't mean you have to up load link or that many pics. You can just upload one if you so desire)
-select teh files and then continue.
-first you will be take to a screen where it says they were uploaded successfully and then continue on to the image modification screen

Image Modification:
- Here you can select which of your albums this image should go into,
Select a Name, Write a description like "I blame Jad" (most of mine say that hence why I used it), and then Keywords which you enter and if people type them in whiles searching your image will come up.
-click continue (if you loaded more than 1 image at a time, it will take you to the next image to modify till you finish them all) and then you're done!

To Modify your album:
-click the button 'modify my albums'
-select from teh drop down menu which album to modify (top right)
-you can change the name, the description, the album thumbnail, the restrictions on who can view the album, and wether or not visitors can posts comments and rate pictures.
-click 'update album' when you're done.

I hope this helps. ^-^


Posted: 12 Apr 2004, 13:50
by Neo
Ok, the Photo Album is now posted in the Links on the header and place of the Journals link. You can get to the journals via the forums...not that many of you used that link anyway. If it WAS a majorly used link, I can put it back, but it was redundant in the first place.

Posted: 12 Apr 2004, 15:20
by darkpaladine6
Ahh, there we go, I uploaded my (one) picture, lol. Ill try to get more in the future, kinda hard without digital camera or a scanner of some sort.

Posted: 12 Apr 2004, 21:04
by Neo
Well, all that got fixed after much deliberation with the site and troubleshooting with JAD's user settings, we got it figured out.

I will be making a new template for it when I get the time. I don't like the current one, but it is the lesser of the 6 evils. Plus I will be adding some more features to that Photo Album home page.

It will also be called PhotoBook now. Gotta have a special name for it ;) .

Posted: 14 Apr 2004, 16:27
by = SIR JAD =
Sweet it is working great now... I am an Admin.. sweetness.. my first and last leadership posistion... lol but yeah check it out and post some pics if you can everyone...

Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 22:15
by Pam I've pretty much got this whole thing figured out...and I helped Morgana the other day to set up her photo if anyone has any questions about that...feel free to ask me...I love to help!!

Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 23:03
by = SIR JAD =
and if you need anything info wise on how to download stuff or anything at all then I am availiable as well so ask me if you need anything too..

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 03:31
by KD
How do you make an album in the Member Photos.... I have my pictures on but I would like a link in the MEMBER PHOTOS to go to JUST my pictures... :?