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Back to the forums!

by Neo » 11 Nov 2022, 10:36

Well, just as quickly as I was able to set it all up, the tribe platform version of the site will also be taken back down. Staring in Feb 2023, they will not offer a free plan anymore, and I would have to upgrade to a paid plan.

This normally wouldn't be much of a problem, except their paid plan is $600/month, bill yearly. That's $7200/year in one payment...that's more than double what my new car payments were.

Without ads, and without asking everyone to pay, it's just not feasible to use this platform. What's more is the free version was only allowed 100 users, so it would automatically require a $6/mo patreon or something just to break even.

So I'll stop promoting that platform, and look for something else - or make something else. In the meantime, "you still have Zoidberg"...

"Because I choose to."

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