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slow or no load

Posted: 14 Apr 2008, 22:56
by Bcjammer
I have been having slow loading issues only when I get past the initial screen (the addy) I click log in and it is slower than all the other sites.

Recently I couldn't log in...the pictures wouldn't load...and when I got the site to load (with no pics) but wouldn't load.

that was at around around 10:54??? it started working.

I dunno

Re: slow or no load

Posted: 14 Apr 2008, 23:03
by aimless_wonderings
i have been having problems with the page loading just 5 mins ago...and all day today really

Re: slow or no load

Posted: 15 Apr 2008, 09:11
by Neo
don't worry - you're not the only ones...I had it just now trying to get it to reply to this post. I think it's the server because I can't stay logged into the FTP for more than like 30 seconds at a time. And frequently I can't get the site to refresh or even load when trying to get new code up.

If it keeps up by the end of the week, I'll send a message to the server people (because they're pissing me off, and i'm hoping that it's a temporary issue they're working on) to fix it.

Re: slow or no load

Posted: 02 May 2008, 09:45
by Hambone
ya the site fails sir, wont load pages at times, but if i refresh then it works... sometimes. Then other times it works with no problems :/

Re: slow or no load

Posted: 02 May 2008, 11:02
by Neo
I know. I've been talking with the server people, and they aren't being cooperative. There is a limit to the number of connections that any one ip address can make to the server, so if people move around the site too quick and the connection has timed out, but that session to the server hasn't yet, then their connection limit is full, and they get a blank page.

It's gay, and I'm trying to get them to increase the limit - but so far, they're being little smurfettes.

Re: slow or no load

Posted: 02 May 2008, 11:47
by Hambone
that is pretty ghay, and is something that shouldnt be in place in the first place.

Re: slow or no load

Posted: 02 May 2008, 19:36
by Neo
Aside from the server connection issues, I've noticed that even though I wrote the new design and code on Linux, for Firefox, it works really well with IE7 (haven't tried it in IE8 yet...but nothing works in IE8). I'm guessing that it's because it's written with the W3C standards though, it should work in any browser. It may not look the same (for example, in IE things are centered on the My Spot page, but in FF most things are left-aligned), but it doesn't look jacked up.

Re: slow or no load

Posted: 03 May 2008, 12:49
by aimless_wonderings
I use FF and its aligned in the center for me...its never left aligned...

Re: slow or no load

Posted: 03 May 2008, 17:29
by Neo
Hmmm...I wonder what's causing that then...because on my firefox on linux it's left aligned. And on Flock (based on firefox) on Windows Vista it's left aligned's just on IE on Vista and XP that it's centered for me...OR when I'm logged out of the site, on any FF.

Re: slow or no load

Posted: 03 May 2008, 19:58
by aimless_wonderings
well the only problems i ever have with it is the page not loading

Re: slow or no load

Posted: 16 May 2008, 20:32
by Neo
Ok, I got a possible solution from the server people, and I have implemented it, and hopefully it fixes the blank page loads. If it doesn't, let me know - but I'm sure I'll be seeing them too...especially after this post, if it doesn't fix it.

Re: slow or no load

Posted: 18 May 2008, 00:29
by Pam
So far, in the last half hour or so, I've had 2 blank pages pop up.


Re: slow or no load

Posted: 18 May 2008, 01:40
by Neo
I had a couple on one computer, but I switched to the laptop a few minutes later, and it stopped doing it.

overall though, I haven't had near as many as I used to get.