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What Girls Mean...What Guys Hear...

Posted: 23 Mar 2004, 00:15
by Neo
I was asked this question while we were at Six Flags by Kelly, CC's Girlfriend.

She said (for whatever reason...I don't remember): "Why is it when a girl says no to a guy while they are making out, and he wants to go further, that he doesn't listen, and thinks No means Yes?"

Well, the answer was simply: "Because in normal conversation girls don't tell the guy what they really mean anyway, so guys are acustomed to taking the opposite meaning."

She then asked "Even if we are crying and carrying on?"

My reply: "Girls do that anyway over petty things...what makes it any different over major things?"

I know that sounds cinical, but it's the truth. Girls should tell guys exactly what they mean, and there will be no confusion. Guys should take girls at their word, and the girls will stop lying.

Consider this: Next time you ask your girl where she wants to go for dinner and she says "It doesn't matter" or "You pick" take her to the crappiest, cheapest restaurant. When she complains, remind her that she told you to pick, and you wanted to save money tonight. Maybe NEXT time she'll remember that, and make up her mind. :P

Posted: 23 Mar 2004, 00:32
by Llamaking 747
hey, i'll be sure to remember that advice! i've often talked to girls about similar issues. they say that they don't want to do something, but then they go, and talk like they do want it later... weird! i'm the kinda' guy that likes to play it safe with such issues, but... confound it all! i'm going to stop now, before this becomes a rant about women!

Re: What Girls Mean...What Guys Hear...

Posted: 23 Mar 2004, 10:11
by XxShidobuxX
Neo wrote:
Consider this: Next time you ask your girl where she wants to go for dinner and she says "It doesn't matter" or "You pick" take her to the crappiest, cheapest restaurant. When she complains, remind her that she told you to pick, and you wanted to save money tonight. Maybe NEXT time she'll remember that, and make up her mind. :P
HAHA im soo gonna do that the next time me and a certain somebody(coughkimcough) have a night on tha town lol she will prob kick my ass after but atleast it will be funny and cheap :twisted:

Posted: 24 Mar 2004, 10:27
by Queen Mab
that is the truth! that is how i take the advice it will help *cough* bakasushi *cough*

Posted: 24 Mar 2004, 22:43
by Lala Lips
I agree, girls should tell a guy exactly what they mean. How else can you get what you want? On the other hand, I'm a people reader when it comes to guys. If I like him, I don't want to make waves so I try to watch him to get an idea of what he wants or wants to do. I'm always thinking of what he may want to do, so I use the ole "you decide". It helps me learn more about the guy and how he thinks--cheap,lazy, etc. Like everyone else, I like to be impressed and I like sweet suprises--like flowers. Girls it can help you make your mind really fast about the next date. Let them show you just how they really are. Let them decide. :wink:

Posted: 24 Mar 2004, 22:53
by Neo
DON''T let them decide...becuse they won't. They think it's some kind of trick, and want YOU to decide. That's what I am saying.

Posted: 24 Mar 2004, 23:13
by Lala Lips
:lol: It is a trick! :wink:

Posted: 31 Mar 2004, 08:30
by Queen Mab
in all honesty girls are just really weird and confusing..

Posted: 31 Mar 2004, 19:19
by baka sushi
Oh, yeah! Just a bit, why don't you do us all a favor and tell us what you want? It would solve SO many girls, you gotta' have it so complicated, then gripe at us for being so simple...well, you girls are simple, in a way: you are all too weird to try to understand, so don't try...see? Why do men have to try to decipher what women really want? Well, I better shut up, before someone *coughQueen Mab* thinks too much of this...I'm not complaining about girls/women, I'm just stating the truth...

Posted: 01 Apr 2004, 00:05
by XxShidobuxX
yea lol they cant decide i was with kim the other night and i asked her what she wanted 2 eat and she was all like ARE U eating and i was like yea and then she was like well i dont know what i want and i just stared at her and i asked again then she was sayin buncha stuff that had nothin 2 do with what she wanted 2 eat then i got confused and it was just a big mess she said she wanted mc donalds then she changed her mind then went back 2 Mc donalds lol i swear women.......

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 02:51
by Drunkensailor
I ask jessica where she want to go and she tells me to go to mcdonalds and gets a chicken sandwich...

I stopped asking her were to go

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 16:27
by KD
Hey... I honestly don't know when that was, JT, I know it happened but I can't remember When It Happened. Let me just say that I'm normally the person that says what I feel. When it comes to going out to eat... I may be in the mood for two different kinds of food, like Itailian but at the same time Chinese. I don't know. I try not to be confusing, but heck, I DON'T WANT TO MAKE THE DECISION OF WHERE TO EAT AND FIND OUT THAT THE GUY DIDN'T WANT TO GO THERE. Guys have opinions too, so I wanna hear them. :?

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 16:43
by Neo
guys will eat anything...they're just looking out for the number one rule: "If she ain't ain't happy. And if she ain't happy long enough, you're gonna be unhappy with half your stuff."

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 21:17
by Drunkensailor
I think if I could choose where to eat, with no capitol restrictions (money money money) I would eat mexican food 3 nights a week, italian 2, goto magnolias on saturday, and on sundays go to to king buffet.

for lunch it would be gourmet sandwiches (quizno's, schlostkys(?) none of that subway crap) and pizza (only the best again), and breakfast would be big southern breakfasts in homey restaurants that have buttermilk on the menu...

so if I'm ever going to go out with any girls on the spot, and I ask you where you want to go, think of this as a menu, or a reference card...

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 21:23
by Pam
DUDE!!!! Schlotzsky's is the best!!!!! I love that place...I've been going to eat there since I was like...I mom's been eating there since before I was born and it's her favorite...

I always get the original without olives!!! YUMMY!! Their bbq chicken pizza is good too!!! yumm...