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by frostbitemartini » 19 Aug 2005, 11:39

Wow, you guys looked at this in a much different way than I did.

I thought it would be something fun...something that doesn't have to be about popularity. This isn't high school.
That's cool though.
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by RageCage » 19 Aug 2005, 11:52

frostbitemartini wrote:Wow, you guys looked at this in a much different way than I did.

I thought it would be something fun...something that doesn't have to be about popularity. This isn't high school.
That's cool though.
That's just it...have you looked around lately? No names...but there has been a lot of arguing and drama going around as it is...This just gives them another form to do it in. Myself included. I mean everyone brings their personal feelings with them to the post forums, and sometimes those feeling clash with other people feelings. And for the-spot to remain successful, we need everyone to be happy. We need everyone to know that they can come to the-spot to have a place where they can post without the everyday judgements of the real world. A place where thay can throw their reservations out the window and for once be THEMSELVES.

If we keep packing on the hawtness points and the coolness points(and whatnot) we are just recreating the crude and ever judgemental place we call outside...the world...

Let their peace on the-spot.
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by frostbitemartini » 19 Aug 2005, 12:09

Hey...I'm one of the ones that people are picking on lately. I'm always nice on here, I never say anything offensive...I usually keep it nice because I know how people get. But lately since people have been punks to me, I've decided to do the same. Not as bad though as ppl have been to me.

people started being kinda mean, and making rude little comments about my posts or who I talk about. It's fine if people want to be honest, but sometimes you have to draw a line. One thing I am confused about, is why I talk about Brandon too much? Does Wonder6irl talk about W6oy too much? What about SLD and JAD...or KD and Dexto, or UPS and Nia? I don't know why I had to be singled out. Sorry If we've been toghether for 15 months and he's a huge part of my life. My bad!

What about my punctuation??? Who doesn't have bad punctuation and spelling on this forum???

I try to just let it slide because it's not a big deal. And I have been doing that. I'm just gonna take the rude comments and just be completely honest too.

If peoples feelings get hurt because of something fun then you guys have some problems. ITS A GAME!!! There doesn't have to be drama if you just be cool about it. I know I haven't been real cool about the things ppl have been saying, but it really did seem like it was all being aimed at me for no reason. My stress level was high enough.

I am gonna be mellow about all this DRAMA, since this is a forum. A place for discussion and fun! That's all these POINTS had to be for, was fun. Neo and I were talking, and I said something cool and he was like "you get +5 cool points for that comment" I just thought it was funny. I also got some stupid points too. I can take it, cuz I KNOW that i say some stupid stuff.

None of us have even waited for Neo's views or ideas of this idea.

Whatever :roll:
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by Neo » 19 Aug 2005, 12:27

My views don't matter. Half the time, my views influence the views of others.

I wanted a pure opinion on how this would work out on tsn. I've learned a lot from watching and reading pressreleases and rumors circulating around RSS Feeds in the 4-5 months that I have been doing so.

You let an idea leak, with just enough information to convey a complete thought to the people that read it - then you start getting opinions and comments flooding in about the pros and cons...and if the pros outweigh the cons then you move forward....if the cons are more than the pros, then you decide if the time, money, and effort required to reposition the product to the public's liking is worth it. If it is, then you move forward, if it's not, then you drop it.

There are some finite details that I did not discuss with FBM when I made the comment - and they are probably critical to how this would actually go over. But before I mention them, I must gather all the details for myself. So keep posting. Just keep it on topic - no one cares about the drama that's going around the site, we can read it ourselves, thanks.
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by RageCage » 19 Aug 2005, 13:05

frostbitemartini wrote:
people started being kinda mean, and making rude little comments about my posts or who I talk about. It's fine if people want to be honest, but sometimes you have to draw a line. One thing I am confused about, is why I talk about Brandon too much? Does Wonder6irl talk about W6oy too much? What about SLD and JAD...or KD and Dexto, or UPS and Nia? I don't know why I had to be singled out. Sorry If we've been toghether for 15 months and he's a huge part of my life. My bad!
Since this whole paragraph was aimed at me obviously, I am gonna address it.

The reason I said that you talked about Brandon too much is because YOU asked people to say something good and something bad about you...had Wondergirl said the same thing I could have very possibly said the same thing to her...but you were the one that asked.

Now I am sorry if my appology isn't good enough for you, but I am sorry anyway. I apologize, and there is nothing more I can do about it.

But I mean if you, the person that says the spot can handle said "points", are gonna take that as far as you did, then obviously the spot can't. This is exactly what I was talking about...Jesus christ...times like these make me want to join AT in his exiting strategies.
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by Drunkensailor » 19 Aug 2005, 14:32


I think it would be fun but I am kinda cautious now that I've considered other's feelings.
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by [wizard] » 19 Aug 2005, 15:01

i do not feel we need all of these points. tsn would become a popularity contest more than a fun place to hang out and discuss randomness.

however, along with l33t points, i understand there could be a need to remove l33t points. like with an argument or drama.

ghetto points, i mean come on now.

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by The Audi Thief » 19 Aug 2005, 15:07

well, just because your not ghetto doesnt mean we cant have ghetto points, there are several people on the spot that are ghetto i think that the ghetto one is a good one to be put on there. and if it happens congrats to ragecage for being the ghettoest person on the spot
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by StarLitDancer » 19 Aug 2005, 15:11

I also agree with {wizard] about the l33t point system and spotics. I'm aware that there is a purpose for 133t and post count but that just defeats the purpose for even posting in the first place.

I feel like this whole posting thing has been a competition. I know I haven't been here long enough but I noticed that there seems to be a lot of that in the forums. People just post to get higher post count (like one-liners) to get spotics and 133t points for it.

That's why I haven't been posting as much. There just isn't topics that interest me because people just seem to post for the heck of it. I've been feeling strongly about this about a month later when I joined (I think around July). :shrug: I don't know if anyone feels the same but that's just my thoughts there.
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by frostbitemartini » 19 Aug 2005, 15:50

THat happened a long time ago. We got so many new members all at once that talked about such stupid crap. There were never any good topics.

There have been better topics lately though.

I like the l33t points. It's too hard to get the blingbling though. I feel like it's going to take forever to get any of those.
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by Drunkensailor » 19 Aug 2005, 15:52

actually to get spotics or l33t points you have to have some body in your post...

it based off the amount of characters and such...
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by RageCage » 19 Aug 2005, 18:35

yeah the l33t points should stay. you are right they are a reason for competition, but not reason for slander, like some of the other ones were. Granted ghetto points were a little too much, but that was a joke.

But the l33t points were point into place, because they ensure longer and much more in depth posting...the fact that it is a competition is exactly what Neo was aiming for. He knew that people would compete for l33t points and all that does is ensure greater content in posts.

But hey I realized today that honestly I don't care....Hell if the adding of such points (i.e. hawtness, ghey, and comic) gives our members more reason to visit, then go for it. I mean the ultimate goal is to have a website that has happy members. I realized that I will be less satified if I get my way, than the members who want it get their way.

I change my vote to yes. Not because I want to see how popular I am, but because I know that adding this feature will make the spot more enjoyable to most. For those that don't like the idea, ignore it.

I feel I have become more mature....Ragecage Levels Up....

Alright Level 5! RIGHT ON!
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by Neo » 19 Aug 2005, 22:44

Haha...now you're starting to think like a marketer ;) . Couple more episodes/epiphanies like this, and you could become ... a little more "useful" ;) ;) if you get what I'm saying.

I was explaining this to StarlitDancer earlier this afternoon...

Yes, the l33t points were put into place to be harder to get - to encourage users to post more, and to show who is posting the most content to the site. Granted it levels off at 2 points per post - and that's to keep it from being as easy to get as Spotics.

Spotics are put into place to get people to post, and provide usefulness for their time here. They turn into monetary value when converted to BlingBling, for use in the Freeform Frog. I started them now so that people can start saving up to put to use for something more later.

It's stepping-stone post incentives...they are ahead of their time, for a purpose.

Now, about these other points...here's the rules I was thinking of - and these are NOT EXCLUSIVE RULES - meaning, more can be added as they are thought of. So once you read these, let me know what you think of the idea now:

- No one can give themselves points.
- Points are not based on posts, but on threads.
- Points are to show who posts what kind of threads. (i.e. Fark.com's thread description system)
- Points are not redeemable for anything
- There will be no top 10 list.
- There might be a "Hawtest Poster, Gheyest Poster, Coolest Poster, etc"
- The points will be distributed by the users themselves.
- You only get 10 points a week to give out to people - so use them sparingly (i.e. 1-2 at a time...though you can use all 10 in one donation)
- Be sure you don't donate to someone's spotics or l33t points, or use your l33t points or spotics to donate to someone else's points... that wouldn't be good for you, giving them free money and stuff.

Now...the definitions of the points that were mentioned:
- l33t :: uberawesomeness threads; something you would say "Dude, that's frickin' sweet, or l33t, or you're a l33t h4x0r"
- cool :: obviously something that is a cool thread; something you would say "Hey, that's cool"
- hawt :: this is not sexy, fly motherlova', do me now hot; something you would say "Man that rawks my face"
- pity :: pity points, you know...; something you would say "aww, man, that sucks...sorry to hear it"
- n00b :: stuff that the person should have known if they would have used the search engine on the site before posting; something you would say "omgwtfrtfsmtrfkr (basically, that says "omg, wtf, read the f***ing site, motherlover)"

And the most previously controversial...
- ghey :: Fubar, not gay. Gay != (not equal) to Ghey; something you would say "dude, wtf? that's jacked up" or "man, screw that - that's ghey."

No ghetto ones right now. But NOW what do you think about it?
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by RageCage » 19 Aug 2005, 22:56

Sounds delicious.

But one thing I had to question...l33t? You can give away l33t points? I don't think I am quite following that. Perhaps a better explaination is in order.

But other than that, and the no ghetto points(ha ha), I think it should do fine.

The Boss wrote:Haha...now you're starting to think like a marketer :wink: . Couple more episodes/epiphanies like this, and you could become ... a little more "useful" :wink: :wink: if you get what I'm saying.
And no I don't get that.
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by Neo » 19 Aug 2005, 23:07

it's all right, don't worry about it.

And the l33t points - that's a good point. I might have to delete that part of the idea, or rework it to be less confusing. Cool covers l33t kinda - why not make it uber...uber points.
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