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Guess what...we're bringing it back!

Posted: 23 Apr 2005, 20:30
by Neo
For all you guys that like to idle in irc servers, we have good news...we're bringing back the IRC chat room!

This time, it's one I created, with the help of [wizard] and the guys at QuakeCon.

The server is
and the channel is #tsnV.

I will be working on a zip file that you can download straight from the spot, where you can just install it, type /tsnV in the command line, and it sets you up. I'll post it when I have it.

Posted: 24 Apr 2005, 17:35
by DMoney
That's cool....I need to learn how to fully use IRC. I know it's a great thing...with many many many uses. Unfortunately, I have never used it. I guess this is a good reason to get it. haha.

Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 00:07
by Neo
Ok, here's a screenshot of what I have so far for the tsn-mirc client. I'm still curious about a couple of modification capabilities...but this is such a hard program to mod like I want for Windows. But for linux there are all kinds of skins out there.


Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 00:30
by Neo
Also, I have just updated that Chat link above, so that if you already have mIRC then you can just click on that link and it will open the chat room for you.

We're trying to make IRC very simple for those that are apprehensive about using it.

Some features we're incorporating into the new client:

/connect takes you to the server and opens the channel
- if you're already connected (for like #quakecon or something) /tsnv will open the #tsnV channel

:: we're incorporating your special power into the chat window if you have one. This is where the special powers first originated when we had our first irc chat room.

:: we're making the client look like the website, as much as we can so that it's got a familiar feel to it.

:: we're adding various away modes into the popup menu.

:: and several other things.

Posted: 21 Jul 2005, 09:58
by Neo
Well, popularity in the IRC dropped a lot since June, but it's still around.

I've also installed another chat room, though it's a little more basic.

Just Register (or not) and put your name, and click Chat. The other features I will leave to your exploration.

This is a chat room that I can actually be in during the day at work...unlike IRC.

Posted: 21 Jul 2005, 13:22
by Pam
Oh...I suggest using it...because then I could chat to y'all during the day too! unlike yahoo, which I can't get on to while at work....

Posted: 21 Jul 2005, 15:09
by RageCage
I like it alot, is there any way you can make a link to it on the home page? It took me a minute to find this thread again so I could get back on!

Posted: 22 Jul 2005, 13:24
by Neo
If I find that I have nothing to do tonight, then I am going to work on incorporating the chat room into the My Spot least as far as statistics and sign on information go.

Posted: 24 Jul 2005, 16:45
by SubtleDecision
Hmmm, isnt there a way you could save it to a mysql db and have run the row on the site?

Posted: 24 Jul 2005, 16:47
by Neo
<_< that's how it works. I just have to incorporate the page into the site...or in a popup window, because every time you refresh the page, or change pages, you'd have to log back in to the chat.

Posted: 24 Jul 2005, 16:51
by SubtleDecision
Uh...couldnt sessions control that issue. Not trying to undermind you, just asking.

Posted: 24 Jul 2005, 16:54
by Neo
I know you're're trying to provoke thoughts...

And I bet they could - if I knew how they worked or what script controlled them...<_< I'm still trying to find out where everything is in this modded code that is tsnV.

Posted: 24 Jul 2005, 16:58
by SubtleDecision is another forum I belong to that helps out with php questions and what not. You might look into them because they are a helpful bunch.