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Rocks and my back window....

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 16:45
by tank driver will
IS it posable for a rock that weighs about an ounce to fly over a boxy car (old volvo) and have enough velosity to SHATER my back windshield?

this would mean alot to me sence my car was shot at and i think i proved the cop wrong when i said it wasnt a rock.

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 19:10
by Neo answer the question if it's's possible that someone dropped or threw a rock and it hit your car at just the right time for it to happen like that.

But were there any bullet holes, or bullets in your car? or other broken parts? It's not likely for a rock to fly over the front of your car, and hit your back window though.

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 21:16
by Ilive4Himsr04
Yes, I think that a rock could have shattered your back window. There are a lot of Physics terms that I could use ... but I'll try to put it in basic english. If the rock which "weighs" about an ounce, was thrown while the person throwing was in the vechile. The velocity of the moving vechile plus the velocity of the rock equals enough velocity so the rock could shatter the window. However, a bullet would also cause the window to shatter.

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 21:59
by Frankli
It is possible, but probable? No.

A rock flying at that high of a velocity over a car and shattering your back window is just as probable as your car jumping ten feet into the air by itself.

Posted: 13 Aug 2004, 01:25
by Neo
Katie, we're not talking about someone throwing a rock from the rear of the car...we're talking about it coming from over the front hood, over the roof, and then hitting a 90 degree window in the back.

Posted: 13 Aug 2004, 02:16
by Frankli
Neo wrote:...we're talking about it coming from over the front hood, over the roof, and then hitting a 90 degree window in the back.
Like I said: Possible, but not probable.

Posted: 13 Aug 2004, 02:53
by El Gato en el Sombrero
I think its possible for a rock to break the window, but ONLY if thrown at the window directly. Someone had to be standing behind it and threw it then, or maybe a car behind him threw it up, but it didn't come from his car. It is definitely SOMEONE's fault.