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just a Q about the Matrix

Posted: 02 Aug 2004, 22:13
by Agent Smith
Hey bro. :poke: I havent seen you in a while since ive been :sick: and all ive had to be going to bed early :sleepy: , and ive been wanting to ask you this question for a few days now...

Ok, in Matrix Revolutions where Smith converts the ppl in the Matrix into him, does he convert everyone? If so, does he convert the Monrovingian (sp) and his wife? And what about the Architect? Is he converted too or where is he when all that is going on?

N-E-Ways, see you around (hopefully). :wink:

:ninja: :ohwell:

Posted: 03 Aug 2004, 23:13
by Neo
Sorry I haven't answered your question've been sick, but you haven't seen me just come home and go to bed too. I haven't been on the site in 3 days.

In answer to your question, yes, everyone was converted. The Marovingian and Persiphone, and the Architect were all converted. Or at least that's what I gather, since the Oracle was converted, and she too was a program - like the other 3.

Posted: 21 Aug 2004, 10:32
by Hambone
well then again remember how they had to save neo and to do that they had to go to him and steal the train so if that was going on how were they converted... its all kinda left open

Posted: 21 Aug 2004, 11:26
by Neo
Well, the trainman scene was in the beginning of the movie. Not everyone was converted at that point - as you saw the people dancing in the club. But by the end of the movie, the world was fully of Smiths.

Posted: 21 Aug 2004, 13:40
by Hambone
yea ok u win

Posted: 22 Aug 2004, 00:40
by Agent Smith
No! Mr. Anderson must not win again!