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tsnIV or bust

Posted: 02 Jul 2004, 00:17
by Neo
Ok, I have started the long and drawn out process of creating tsnIV. So if you don't see me around the site much, then it's because I have used my freetime to start working on the new site.

The challenge I am now faced with is exactly HOW MUCH better I want to make tsnIV than tsnIII. I have come up with some awesome ideas for the new site, and a decent design...but there is a hella-lotta stuff to create with all the new proposed features.

I will see about getting a beta version up for people to test and see if they like it or not. But if everything goes as planned, it will rock your FACE!

Posted: 02 Jul 2004, 08:34
by Incognito
the face rocking is a lot of suspense...i can hardly wait :twisted:

Posted: 02 Jul 2004, 16:43
by Crimson Death
sweet, i can understand why it might take so long.
bleh my IE is being a bastard so i'm having trouble staying on the spot.

Posted: 12 Jul 2004, 06:35
by Drunkensailor
I am gettin ready the face for the rocking

Posted: 13 Jul 2004, 00:11
by El Gato en el Sombrero
Oh crap, watch out Mr.Potato Head!