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Posted: 27 Jun 2005, 07:52
by RageCage
Also earlier, 7:10 this morning, I accessed Baka's journal. Don't know what was going on bro, but uh it looks like it is working now.

By the way, Neo, are you gonna do the top 10 l33t3rs or what? That would be cool!

Posted: 27 Jun 2005, 07:54
by Neo
when I get around to it. I have been gone all weekend. Saturday was spent all day in Tyler, Sunday was spent all day at Hurricane Harbor and in Denton.

I haven't touched my computer since Friday.

Posted: 27 Jun 2005, 08:01
by RageCage
Yeah that is cool. However, your computer is feeling neglected, do you hear it Neo? Do you hear it?

"Touch me, press my buttons...."

I'm just messin', I know you are a busy man. But yeah I think the top ten idea is great, mostly because I am sure to be on it. There is no way I am gonna be on the top ten posters list anytime soon, so l33t3rs top 10 is right on. I think I need like 600 more posts even to contend on the other list.

Posted: 27 Jun 2005, 18:56
by Neo
ok, see if that fixed the journals and other thread issues.

Posted: 28 Jun 2005, 10:23
by RageCage
I posted this using the quick reply...right on!!!

Yeah, the journals are fixed but for some reason now I can't get to the post club one, except the 500 for some dumb reason.

So i will post it here, Hey look I made it to 600!!!

I like the quick reply though

Posted: 28 Jun 2005, 10:29
by Neo
I don't know why you can't get to them. There are no more errors to be fixed on that issue. I have looked through them all.

Posted: 28 Jun 2005, 11:53
by Pam
I just tried to get to my journal, and I still couldn't open I deleted all the cookies and everything, and it still doesn't work...I'm not sure what to tell you, Neo, but there is something funny going on...LOL

Posted: 28 Jun 2005, 12:39
by Neo

I will take a look at it once more. but I am pretty sure that it's something I don't know how to fix.

Posted: 28 Jun 2005, 12:52
by Neo
There, I have made one change, though it's probably not going to do anything - I just deleted some code that isn't even's a comment.

But I don't know what is wrong with your viewing capabilities if that doesn't fix it. There are no more errors that I can find that were causing the timeout. It works fine on my computer, even as a regular member. It would be that something is wrong on your computer probably.

Try to log out and back in. If that doesn't work. I really don't know what to tell you.

Posted: 28 Jun 2005, 22:15
by Neo
ok, they're fixed. I remade the ENTIRE CODE FOR THE PAGE. So if you STILL have problems, I will kindly ask you leave the site. kthanks.

lol...but there shouldn't be any problems with not being able to see the threads.

Posted: 28 Jun 2005, 23:46
by ~day_dreamer~
tsnV is awsome. its the shiz. its hawt. w00t!!!
nuff said :P

Posted: 20 Jul 2005, 11:39
by frostbitemartini
WOA that was weird. I was going back to My Spot and I saw this little Lego dude, and I got a little confused,

Neo, you are known as's soooo different. I like change but man, you brought out the big one's for this. What caused this??

Posted: 20 Jul 2005, 11:42
by Neo
lol...I thought I'd try something different. ;) ...I'll change it back to Neo in a bit...

Posted: 20 Jul 2005, 12:18
by frostbitemartini
WaiT! NO! Why are you changing it? I was JUST getting used to it...hehe. But for real, if you like it then don't change it just cuz me and someone else was mean about it.

It's NOT GAY!! :D You're cool!!

Posted: 11 Aug 2005, 09:25
by Neo
Ok, it finally occured to me how to fix the links in the posts without jacking up the entire color scheme of the site - and I knew it was something along those lines, I just couldn't find it.

Now, links will show up as the same color blue as the background to the site...the medium-color blue. Whereas text will be the dark blue. So you don't need to insert the color bbcode anymore.