by ChuckSplatt »
31 Jan 2004, 20:42
Hello fiends.
If some of you care to know, here's some things I have found out about our original host (which also hosted my site, Since (the host) went down, all his customers have been left out high and dry and there's been a bit of a manhunt going on for the guy who runs Endore, whose name is Ivan Rainbolt. He has cut off all forms of connection - phones, e-mail, everything. I did a little investigation and was actually able to get some information from his neighbor. I have my ways.
Also, a man recently posted on some forums saying that he was able to contact Ivan and that he was talking to him, and so he left his IM information so that, through him, we could communicate to Ivan.
Ivan himself wasn't cooperating too much, even with the mediator, but here's the basics of what happened:
- Yes, Endore IS out of business. His neighbor claims that Ivan is filiing for bankruptcy.
- Ivan claims that there were physical hard drive crashes. I still find this hard to believe since everyone's site went down at different times, and everyone's site was on different servers. There was no way all those hard drive could have crashed in the timespan of a week. The man I talked to said his theory was that perhaps the hard drives were TAKEN, but that still doesn't explain why everything didn't go down at once.
- As such, he claims there is NO WAY to recover the data. There are no backups, there is NOTHING.
- Ivan is also in big trouble with his parents, who he lives with. He's not some kid, though; in fact, the man is nearly 30.
I feel bad since I was the one that referred Neo to this host. If it makes you feel any better, I never got to use the credit I received from that referral.
In fact, I still had about a year and half's worth of hosting coming to me, but BLEH. I have also just signed up to use the same host Neo is using, so now HE has referred ME.
On that note, will be back up sometime this week, starting out with a forum as fresh as this one. It will take FOREVER to rebuild the gallery, too, ugh. So much lost ...