tsn Newsletters?
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Implement Newsletters?

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tsn Newsletters?

by Neo » 04 Sep 2005, 23:36

UPS talked to Vimmington a couple days ago on the phone, and mentioned that he probably wouldn't be coming around the site much for a bit - because of time constraints or something, and that when he did have the time, there would be too many things for him to keep up with - for example, he didn't even know that UPS is engaged to Nia.

So that got me thinking. Back at the beginning of the year, we implemented RSS Feeds for those that can't keep up with checking the site all the time, but want to know what's going on and read it, and be able to reply to it if they were interested. We also contemplated SMS Messages for when private messages are received. I have the software for that now, that I will be testing, and will look into that feature to be released early 2006.

But that got me thinking...for those that can't even get on the site or have internet access to get RSS Feeds, and don't have cell phones - what about newsletters every 2 weeks that show the most popular threads, summarize them, make announcements about tsnEvents, and other site News. Perhaps even Freeform Frog sale items, the latest Punix-GT comics, and any promotions that WZUP Radio is having...etc.

Of course, with all the extra features of tsn - this will be on an optional basis - for those that opt to receive it.

Let me know what you think - good or bad, so we can look into doing something like this if it would be something y'all think would be useful.
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by frostbitemartini » 05 Sep 2005, 08:38

That's a really good idea and I think it would be useful. How do you plan on doing it? Getting their mailing address and mailing it to them?? That could get pretty pricey!

It's a cool idea though. This site is going pretty far. It would be cool if you had to have membership, or like a VIP club. MEMBERS ONLY!! lol

This site could go world wide lol.

Anyway, yea it seems like a good idea.
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by Neo » 05 Sep 2005, 09:43

Email, muh dear. If you didn't read my journal - tsn has a budget of $0.82. That could mail 2 letters.

I already have everyone's email address, from when they signed up.
And to do it, I would have those that wanted one to join a user group.
And to make them, I would be looking for someone that checks the site regularly and has a handle with what's going on (or maybe a couple people since not everyone checks everything) to gather the most popular threads and news and make a small one-paragraph summary about it, and post a link...and do that for like the top 5 popular threads.

I don't know - there are other ideas to work into it, I'm just looking for other's comments about it.
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by frostbitemartini » 05 Sep 2005, 09:51

If they can't get to their internet to check the website, the rss feeds, etc...how are they gonna be able to check their email??

I didn't read your journal...lol I should though. :D
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by Neo » 05 Sep 2005, 10:11

RSS Feeds require constant attention...same with the site. The newsletter is not for people that don't HAVE internet - but for people that don't get on it 5 times a day...or even a month.

It's so they can check out what's going on with the site when ever they get on to check their email, etc.
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