I'm sorry, Neo....
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I'm sorry, Neo....

by rocker_babe_07 » 25 Nov 2004, 11:06

OK Neo. I talked to Legionofone and I decided that what I said yesterday was just a bit....out of line. I've never met you, and it would be kind of sad to start off like this. I understand what you were trying to do with Agent Smith, but I can assure you that nothing was going to happen. I'm not stupid. But I have a 13 year old sister and I know I probably would have freaked had I known that could have possibly happened. So I guess I should have taken into consideration that you care about him and don't want him to do anything he will regret.

So....yeah, I'm swallowing the little pride I have, and I'm asking you to forgive me because a lot of things happen when you don't think about what you are saying and your emotions are running wild. I'm not asking you to bring Agent Smith back or anything cheesy like that because I am only asking that you forgive me. Because I forgive you.
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by Legionofone » 25 Nov 2004, 11:12

ya man we were harsh... and i guess i was realy mad... but we took it to far... we are almost adults and we need to act like it... im sorry for what i said and for taking it that far...
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by Neo » 25 Nov 2004, 21:24

All right.

I won't post much more because obviously you two have thought about what was said and what was done.

But I will say to those who are reading, that in the future, before you decide to criticize someone's actions, consider both sides of the story and what went into the actions that were taken. And even once you've done that - if what was done was not detremental to their well-being, stay out of the matter. Not everything is your business.

As I have said before, I can not do anything to bring Agent Smith back to the site. Everything was decided by the parents. Regardless of whether or not he or I are viewed as adults, we live in our parents' house, and if we wish to continue to do so (since at the moment we can not afford otherwise) we have to abide by their rules.
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Llamaking 747
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by Llamaking 747 » 27 Nov 2004, 15:34

and llama would appreciate if you wouldn't criticize members on the-spot! we've had a lot of drama here the last few months, and it's bull-puckey. there's no need to bring it in the open. what happened to the good ol' days when we were all buddy-buddy? that's one of the main things that makes the spot special among online forums!

hope i'm not out of line by posting this here, but i don't need (or want) to hear negative stuff about my friends, and i'm certain i'm not alone in this.


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