hey neo
Questions about tsn, life, or anything else you would like Neo to answer. He's got the answers, but not necessarily the *right* one.

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hey neo

by nergle » 09 Sep 2004, 21:29

did u make the-spot.net or not????? thats all
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by Neo » 09 Sep 2004, 21:36

Yes, this is my creation, conjured up from the creative electronic synapse of my intellect, to give meaning to life, and addiction to the weak...and to spite my parents who didn't want me messing with the internet. :razz:
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by KD » 09 Sep 2004, 21:45

That's just crazy that your own parents don't even know about your pride and joy. :roll: :P
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by Grey » 09 Sep 2004, 22:30

REALLY THOUGH. you have 136 (i think) members on this sight you made, 20,000+ posts on the latest addition alone, and you've been at it for how long? You do live with your parents, right? Just typing away in your room, do they ever wonder what you're at?
ha don't worry. i won't tell.

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by kaze » 09 Sep 2004, 22:50

Besides that, when do we expect the new tsn IV? I've been wondering for some time now and haven't gotten any new news lately about it. Are you still workin' on it, or are just droppin the whole tsn IV project? I'm just wonderin'. Kuroki Kaze.
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by Neo » 10 Sep 2004, 01:07

the next version of the site is due out at the start of the new year...

And my parents that I USED to live with don't know about it...my parents that I live with now do know about it. I don't tell my old parents because they would try to make it stop, or find all kinds of things wrong with it, so that they could ex-communicate me...even though I never talk to them anymore.

And about me being at this for 3 years...the first two years I spent doing this, I spent learning HTML, and getting a general feel for how things are supposed to be handled on the site. Advertisement, design, and creativity...as well as features, fanbase, and mangement structure were all things that I had to learn to do on my own.

This is the most successful site like this that I have done...and it's only going to get better. The next version of the site is going to be the best, and most complete that I have create, but it will consequently also be the last version that I create (most likely)...and I will only keep adding new features and modifying codes. A whole new remake of the site after this one probably won't happen for a while, unless some new awesome forum software comes out from phpbb...since they are providing the majority of the code here. But I anticipate that by this time next year, we should have around 275 members, in 10 states or more...and around 50,000 posts or more...doubling our current stats.
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by Drunkensailor » 10 Sep 2004, 02:30

I plan to be double GMO by then btw...

I am workin hard towards that goal and contributing to the overall post count
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by Incognito » 10 Sep 2004, 05:49

you always are contributing towards the whole post count man...i hope to be a GMO soon...its not that important, but there is a certain number im going for...grr..dont take it!! NEO...another question...how did the initial members of the site manage to find it?

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by Punix-GT » 10 Sep 2004, 05:56

Who are considered the "Initial Members" of this site?

I know Neo and I went to ETBU together and have worked on sites before this one, and we continued on with the legacy with a much broader spectrum of users. In the Nacogdoches realm, all I did was introduce the site to KD and Jad and a couple of others, and well, the rest is history. As for Neo's side, hmmmmm, only he could properly answer that one.
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by Grey » 10 Sep 2004, 08:01

ok. that makes a lot more sense than my previous concept of the arrangement. thanks, neo.
this time next year... if i keep it up i may be double gmo by then...
Drunkensailor wrote:I plan to be double GMO by then btw...

I am workin hard towards that goal and contributing to the overall post count
speakin of that particular devil, looks like neo's got the first double GMO already under control. we needs a party!

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by baka sushi » 10 Sep 2004, 10:04

Hahaha, yes....NEO, you're a genious, and I see nothing wrong with a friendly forum with hundreds of cool people! It's awesome here! But I have a question...with the new version of tsn, will we lose our posts again, like we did when it crashed?
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by Grey » 10 Sep 2004, 10:06

... yeah i don't want to go through that.
by the way, how many posts did yall have anyway?

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by Neo » 10 Sep 2004, 14:03

Well, if you're wondering how I came about getting on the site, UPS actually was the first one to introduce me to the grand-daddy of them all at our school, etboo.com. I found out they were a dead site, and it fit the dream that I had for making myself known at ETBU, so I took on the challenge of bringing it back.

As far as my inviting other people to the site, I showed it to the people that used to work on etbustudents.cc with me, and other people that I went to ETBU with. It wasn't until Tucuxa, and Hambone that I actually introduced it to people in DFW. I'm picky about who I show the site to, because I didn't have many friends here at the time...still don't, but I'm getting more.

As far as losing your posts with the new site...no, that is not going to happen...God-willing, it won't ever happen again, because of the extensive backups we create of the site.

Before the crash, we had about 84 members, and 10,000 posts. I have found a lot of the original posts from the original version of the site.
For those that are intersted, you can find tsnI at http://www.geocities.com/dqdude2001 . You can find tsnII at http://members.lycos.co.uk/neoetbu . For some of you, it will be the first time you have seen either tsn I or tsnII. For others, it will bring back old memories. Beware though, there are ads on that page, which is why the site is no longer hosted there.
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by Grey » 10 Sep 2004, 15:12

hrm. that's interesting.
i'd have to say that TSNIII is better. No offense or anything.
does everything still work there? like, can you join and post?
nice little bit of history.

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by Neo » 10 Sep 2004, 15:19

In both sites you can still join and post, but it's pointless...no one reads it.

The links though are not guaranteed to work. I haven't checked them, nor have I updated them since I created the next version of the site.

However, the tsnI version is the fallback version for if the site crashes again, so add it to your bookmarks...If and when the site does crash, I will redirect the name "the-spot.net" to point to that site, and we'll post on those forums until the original site is back up again.
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