Happy Birthday, Punix!
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Happy Birthday, Punix!

by Neo » 11 Apr 2015, 08:57

For months ago, Abraham Lincoln founded the earth, and invited everyone to a tea party in his backyard. The Spaniards and their leader, April the 11th, weren't having any of it and released the bulls to run wild in the house, knocking over all the China cabinets. Ancient aliens came down to play the guitar and provide a soundtrack for the running of the bulls. Their melody became what we know as the "happy birthday" tune.

That is why we say Happy birthday on April the 11th. And also it was the day Punix was born! I'm sure you're out having a good time playing Ingress today. Hope you have a fun day!
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Re: Happy Birthday, Punix!

by Punix-GT » 12 Apr 2015, 16:29

Thank you! Spent the morning/afternoon in downtown Lufkin meeting some Ingress agents, and rebuilt our Level 8 farm for some folks who are coming back to the game, then afterwards, I made the trip out to Tyler and spent it playing Settlers of Catan, drinking, and watching some movies in the background (Aliens and Super 8).

It certainly wasn't a bad night ^_^
¤uraniumpoppyseed imploded¤
Stay out of trouble, they don't show anime in jail!!! O_O
viva la deptula demise!!!
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Re: Happy Birthday, Punix!

by Neo » 13 Apr 2015, 11:41

I didn't know you played Settlers of Catan. I got a Star Trek version of that game for Valentine's Day that I have yet to play. I need to have 3 friends in the same place at the same time. That rarely happens for me. :(
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Re: Happy Birthday, Punix!

by Vanyl » 14 Apr 2015, 12:12

Pretty sure I wished you happy birthday elsewhere but Happy Belated Birthday! Sounds like a fun evening!
The deeper darker me ever grows,
Until the light burns it apart,
Leaving behind my scorched and naked heart.

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Re: Happy Birthday, Punix!

by Neo » 11 Apr 2023, 14:37

Happy #42 @Punix-GT. You've attained the year of the life, the universe, and everything.

I'll compile the birthday messages I've made all over the internet here. I started with the one on tsnDiscord...
tsnDiscord wrote:Not many people know this, but in his late teens, he ran away from home and lived under a grand piano inside one of Nacogdoches' local millionaire's spare ballroom, which was rarely used (there aren't many fancy parties in Nac). Occasionally he would play eerie tunes at night, causing the homeowner to believe the house was haunted. This is how he became known as ThePianoDevil when we met at ETBU.
...and then I figured I had better post something in your Discord for your followers, who wouldn't likely know. But they also don't know me, so I made another story.
Server of Punishment-GT Discord wrote:Not many people know this, but in his early 20s (after we met at ETBU), he was kicked out of SFA in Nac for attempting unauthorized experiments in the science lab. One of the professors left a lab door closed, but unlatched from the little hole in the door frame.

Punix was able to get his hands on some Uranium isotope and placed it inside a breakfast muffin he swiped from the cafeteria that morning. He left the muffin on the professor's desk for it to be found later by the local authorities. He would have gotten away with it, were it not for a pesky Geiger Counter, and a stray radioactive poppy seed found on his clothing.

This is how he got the alias UraniumPoppySeed that he used when we started the-spot.net back in college.
And I decided to wrap it up on Facebook, but you'd already covered some of your other screen names in comments, so I figured I'd take it a different route...
Facebook wrote:Happy Birthday to one of the co-founders of the East Texas sect of Benjalism.
Do you, dear reader, feel like your life has purpose and order? Is every day predictable and stable? Does your job fill you with purpose and meaning? Has it been a significantly long time since you've fragged a n00b with a translocator or impact cannon?

Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking "OMG, this is ME! I feel seen for the first time in my life! I have too much stability and focus in my life, and I am handling it all a little too well..." Then YOU NEED BENJALISM!!

Join us every 5th Thursday of the month at 3:37pm, around the drainage culvert near the Nacogdoches Walmart Delivery Bay, and bring that randomtivity, choas, and the occasional anime music video that you're missing back into your life.
Happy birthday bud.
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Re: Happy Birthday, Punix!

by Punix-GT » 16 Apr 2023, 13:34

Those posts were beautiful, I loved them! Thank ya! Can't believe I've gone through so many usernames, but I've always stuck with PunixGT as my Go-To
¤uraniumpoppyseed imploded¤
Stay out of trouble, they don't show anime in jail!!! O_O
viva la deptula demise!!!
+10 Randomtivity points by UraniumPoppySeed

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