ALL THE GAMES! If you're into the sportsball and moving the thing into the place, talk about it here. Or maybe you'd rather just lob some rockets and tally some headshots - in that case, I'll show you to your white room after you put on this white long-sleeve coat.

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by Neo » 11 Nov 2022, 10:26


Lately, [wizard] and I have been playing this Hot Wheels: UNLEASHED™ on Steam ( game together for the past couple of months. If you like to race real-to-life Hot Wheels cars, they did a pretty good job with this one.

At the time of this post, it's 70% off ($15).

As of a recent update, though, they bumped up the rewards for the races, and that makes all the cars easier to unlock...which leads some to think the game may be winding down after only a year. It's still a fun game to jump in and do some public multiplayer, invite-only multiplayer, solo career mode, or solo vs AI.
"Because I choose to."

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