Favorite Games
ALL THE GAMES! If you're into the sportsball and moving the thing into the place, talk about it here. Or maybe you'd rather just lob some rockets and tally some headshots - in that case, I'll show you to your white room after you put on this white long-sleeve coat.

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Favorite Games

by DMoney » 16 Jun 2015, 09:48

I want to know what everyone's favorite board/card/table/family games are! For a couple of years, my favorite game was Bang!! It's an italian western card game, where everyone has secret roles and different abilities. It's still one of my top games, and way fun to play with 4-8 people. After that, we went through a Killer Bunny phase, but I don't know why because it's not that great of a game. It's fun, but anything amazing. For the past couple of months now we've been addicted to Smash Up. Smash Up is a crazy addicting card game where you pick two factions, shuffle the two decks together, and that's what you get for the rest of the game. They keep adding more expansions that introduce new factions and slight twists to the game. EVERY single game I've played has been different, and that's why I can keep playing it over and over.

So....what are your favorite games? I'm always looking for new games to add to my collection. The 3 games I mentioned are all card games, some with other items along with the cards, but I love board games too.

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Re: Favorite Games

by Neo » 16 Jun 2015, 14:18

I enjoy Cards Against Humanity when the words are unexpected from certain people - and with a little alcohol involved to loosen things up. We play other games at work during lunch like "Cheaty Mages" or "Zombie Dice". Some are card games, some are dice, some are board games. It all depends.
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Re: Favorite Games

by DMoney » 17 Jun 2015, 08:54

Hrm...I looked up Cheaty Mages and Zombie Dice. Do you own them? I might want to play a couple of rounds some time to check it out.

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Re: Favorite Games

by Neo » 18 Jun 2015, 09:25

DMoney wrote:Hrm...I looked up Cheaty Mages and Zombie Dice. Do you own them? I might want to play a couple of rounds some time to check it out.
I don't own them, but they are at my office. I might be able to bring them home for the weekend.

I also have Star Trek: Catan (like Settlers of Catan, but with Star Trek theme) that I haven't gotten to play yet.
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Re: Favorite Games

by Pam » 19 Jun 2015, 14:28

SmashUp is soooo much fun!!! I was wondering if we could play card/board games at the LAN party. That would be fun!

I also really like Qwirkle, Phase 10, Apples to Apples, Aggravation, Cranium, Mexican Train Dominoes...I could keep going. I really LOVE LOVE LOVE playing games!!!

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Re: Favorite Games

by Neo » 29 Jul 2015, 12:44

I used to play a lot of World of Warcraft, ever since I met GlennCoco really. I adopted the class of Mage and made my way to the #1 Horde Mage on the server where we raided. With the new expansion (Draenor) though, I decided the grind was too much, and the schedule too rigid for raiding the way I wanted to raid, and living the life I wanted to live outside the game. But I still enjoy the RPG concept, and look back on my time as a kickass mage fondly.

So I picked up a Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set this past weekend, and am reading up on how that gameplay works. I've always wanted to learn how to play it and join in a game, but I don't know if anyone can just join into an on-going game. I also only know one other person that plays as a DM, so I didn't have a lot of options to pick from.

I'm finding out that being a DM is exclusive from being a player - it's the equivalent of raiding with a Game Master in WoW: they know what will happen and can one-shot anything. So while I won't necessarily get to resume my role as a mage/wizard, I am looking forward to learning about the game, and giving it a shot.
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Re: Favorite Games

by Vanyl » 13 Aug 2015, 10:15

I WoW and Hearthstone on and off. DoA 2 for Dreamcast will always be my favourite fighting game. I love fighting games. American McGee's Alice, too. Love it! I'm still working through the sequel since I put it down a while back.

CAH is awesome though I have to be careful who I play with. I have a few Jewish relatives who feel it is very anti-Semitic (I can understand and respect that). Count Your Cards is a fun card game. I also have WoW Trivial Pursuit because I'm a nerd. I really liked Munchkins the few times I tried it but haven't played in a while.
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Re: Favorite Games

by Neo » 13 Aug 2015, 12:56

I started playing WoW again, after watching the next expansion announcement. I never got to play in the Burning Crusades world, and always wanted to...but not like they are doing in the current release where it's back in time. Seeing the new stuff though got me excited for the content again. Not as much as I was for Mists of Pandaria, but still excited. Logging back into the game though after (What was apparent only) 3 months made me realize just how far behind I had fallen: I can't even do the current quests they are handing out because my gear is "dungeon hero" and everyone else is doing and getting tired of real raids.
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