Comic TV Shows
Did you see the what that guy did in the show with the person at the place with the stuff? OMG it excited my eyeholes!

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Re: Comic TV Shows

by Neo » 13 Aug 2015, 12:52

I was kinda disappointed in the new Fantastic Four. I had high hopes for them becoming part of the current Marvel universe. But after seeing it, without any trailers in the credits, I am disappointed that I don't think they're going to do well enough to make a sequel. I had no problems with the 2005 version of the F4, but there is the issue with Chris Evan being both Jonny Storm and Captain America.

In the new one, I felt that the black Jonny Storm with the adopted Sue Storm was contrived only for the purposes of having a black super hero - when they could have easily done an actual movie about an actual superhero who was drawn as a black person. For me it took away from the story to have to explain why Sue and her brother were different colors. And then the way they got their super powers felt equally contrived, where Sue wasn't even directly involved with the incident and still got her powers. And finally the conflict, after 80 minutes of origin story, only lasted 20 minutes and felt like they took all the experience of the original 2 F4 movies and summed it up with "but he's not stronger than all of us," which was a direct quote from the 2nd movie where they combined powers.

It was just an all-around disappointment for me. And judging by the fact that we were 2 of 8 people in the theater on Monday night of opening weekend, it seemed like it was a disappointment for a lot of people.
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