Faster-Loading My Spot Page
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Faster-Loading My Spot Page

by Neo » 04 Sep 2008, 10:17

Hey guys, guess what. I have been working on some scripts and different ways to do things with the site. However, here's something new.

I know it's been a while since I've done just a whole lot to update the site, but that's because there has been behind-the-scenes research on different ways to present the information. And now, the boxes on the My Spot page load faster, without even the need for loading images.

I know some of you opted to go back to the forum index to do your site navigation, but hopefully this will help bring you back to the My Spot page so you can see everything all at once, without it moving the boxes down the page just before you get to click the new post icon.

And I fixed the "Read More" link for the News posts, since the new site is using different functions - and I forgot to check that link.

Give it a try, let me know what you think (good and bad both).
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Re: Faster-Loading My Spot Page

by Neo » 04 Sep 2008, 11:41

I left some things out...

So, in addition to the faster-loading boxes, the QuickQuips *and* Twitter box now automatically update while you're still on the page.
Geek Talk wrote:It's set to do it every 30 seconds, but since the script that creates it puts the info into a cache, that cache doesn't change until 60 seconds later. Thus, every 30 seconds it'll attempt to get you the most recent twitter feed.
This method of programming gives me the ability (I'm still working on the details) to automatically load New Posts on the My Spot page while you're looking at it so you don't have to refresh the page.

This is what "real" AJAX looks like...not the stuff I've been doing, which was just the home-made version.
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Re: Faster-Loading My Spot Page

by Neo » 04 Sep 2008, 19:18

Yay more updates...

Um, I added some more you dont' have to leave the page to see if people make new just sit on the My Spot page (assuming you've got nothing else to do) and they just show up in the box! How cool is that?

I've been having some trouble with IE not wanting to participate in this upgrade...Firefox eats it up and does everything like it should.

So if you're using IE (and shame, shame if you are...) go download firefox and experience a better internet:
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