by Neo »
08 Mar 2004, 11:54
Ok, so we're no experts, but we're as close as they get.
However, UPS and I have noticed that our conversation on the site has sort of dwindled into meaningless nonsense that only a few people can relate to...examples are with LL and JAD flirting...BS, DP6, (et al.) in their fantasy middle-aged Japanese war discussions...endless talk of games that only a couple people have played...and of course the multi-page, post-boosting games in the kickback cafe.
Now, don't get me wrong, conversation is good, but what we've got here on the site as of lately is a focused discussion that other visitors to the site can't even relate to, thus they don't come by as much as they used to. Even I myself last night thought while I was reading "shoot, if I wasn't running this site, then I would leave's boring."
So I talked with UPS about it, and he noted the same thing. After a little bit of discussion, we have come up with some, hopefully, thought-provoking threads that are designed to turn the conversation of the site into something more useful, thoughtful, and something that anyone can relate to. You'll be seeing these threads every once and a while to get conversation going again.
If you've got any ideas as well, do post them - we're trying to grow our site...the more people that come, the more people there are to buy from the Freeform Frog store, and the more money I can invest into making the site better.
"Because I choose to."